玛丽亚D. Vesperi












人类学 | 城市研究 | 戏剧、舞蹈 & 性能的研究


M.A., Ph.D.普林斯顿大学

玛丽亚D. Vesperi is a cultural anthropologist with research interests in urban issues, 人类学与新闻学, 社会福利政策, 老龄化与种族的文化建构, 面向公众的奖学金, 文化的多模态表征, 性能的研究, 以及早期的工业历史. She left her first teaching position in 1981 to work at the Tampa Bay Times, where she wrote features and columns and contributed to investigative series on welfare, 家庭保健, 社区精神卫生保健与老龄化. She joined the newspaper’s editorial board in 1986, working in Florida and Washington, D.C. until returning to full-time teaching and research in 1993. At New College she has offered courses in cultural anthropology, 神话与仪式, 人类学理论史, 人类学与文学, 语言, 文化与社会, 当代美国.S. 文化, 都市人类学, 表演人类学, anthropological approaches to the study of aging, 视觉人类学. She also established and continues to teach a journalism sequence which includes production of a campus weekly newspaper, 的催化剂.

Professor Vesperi is executive coordinating editor of 人类学 Now, a journal and multi-media platform designed to make anthropological knowledge accessible to the public. 她是2005年总统奖的获得者, Society for the 人类学 of North America; 2006 recipient of the President’s Award American Anthropological Association; 2009 recipient of the American Anthropological Association/Oxford University Press Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching of 人类学; 2017 recipient of the Anthropological Association’s 人类学 in Media Award; and 2018 recipient of the Society for the 人类学 of North America’s SANA Prize for Distinguished Achievement in the Critical Study of North America.

Professor Vesperi presents her work regularly at national and international meetings and serves actively in professional associations. She is a past president of the Society for the 人类学 of North America and the Association for 人类学 and Gerontology. She has served on the American Anthropological Association Executive Board, 长远规划委员会, 提名委员会, 资源发展委员会, 学生实习委员会, 以及AAA Op-Ed项目导师. She developed the theme and served as Executive Program Committee Chair for “Critical Intersections/Dangerous Issues,协会2006年年会. She is founding editor of North American Dialogue, the publication of the Society for the 人类学 of North America, a former contributing editor for Transforming 人类学, the journal of the Association of Black Anthropologists, former editor of the Association for 人类学 and Gerontology 新闻letter and a former Section 新闻 Editor and column contributor to 人类学 新闻. She served from 1995-2015 as a trustee of the Poynter Institute, a non-profit school for journalism education and leadership.





2022 “The Urgency of Now: Editing Anthropological Knowledge in Real Time.在贝恩斯,克里斯蒂娜和维多利亚·科斯塔主编. Producing Cool 人类学: a reflective handbook. 多伦多大学出版社.

2020 “That Generative Space between 人类学 and Journalism.在麦克格拉纳汉,卡罗尔·安(Carole Ann)编辑. Writing 人类学: Essays on Craft and Commitment. 杜克大学出版社.

2020 Introduction: “An 人类学 of the COVID-19 Pandemic.希金斯,雷兰,艾米丽·马丁和玛丽亚·D. Vesperi). 《新博网址是多少》(2020年4月特刊). 泰勒 & 弗朗西斯.

2011 “Encore: A 性能的研究 Approach to Age and Secular Ritual.” Generations (Journal of the American Society on Aging) special issue, “不是新时代”, 而是老年人:晚年生活的仪式.2011年10月.

2010 “Attend to the Differences First: Conflict and Collaboration in 人类学 and Journalism.人类学新闻,51 (4):7-9.

2009 人类学 off the Shelf: Anthropologists on Writing. 沃特斯顿,爱丽丝和玛丽亚·D. Vesperi, eds. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
——“冒险.在沃特斯顿(Waterston), Alisse和玛丽亚D. Vesperi, eds. 人类学 off the Shelf: Anthropologists on Writing. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
—“Introduction: The Writer in the Anthropologist” with Alisse Waterston. 在沃特斯顿,Alisse和玛丽亚D. Vesperi, eds. 人类学 off the Shelf: Anthropologists on Writing. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

2009 “Integrating Aging into 人类学 Curricula.人类学新闻,卷. 50 (8) 21.

2009 “When Common Sense No Longer Holds: The Shifting Locus of 新闻 Production in the United States.《新博网页》. The 人类学 of 新闻 and Journalism: Global Perspectives. 印第安纳大学出版社.

2009 “The Media and Promoting Positive Images of Aging.在哈德逊,罗伯特,埃德. 潮破产? Economic and Political Dynamics of the Graying Society. 西港,CT: Praeger/Greenwood.

2004 “Forty-nine Plus: Shifting Images of Aging in the Media.” In Reinventing Aging: Baby Boomers and Civic Engagement. Monograph, Harvard School of Public Health and Met生活 基金会. 马萨诸塞州剑桥:哈佛大学.

2004年“家的新视野”.见罗尔斯、格雷厄姆和哈比卜·乔杜里编. Coming 首页: International Perspectives on Place, Time and Identity in Old Age. 纽约:斯普林格出版社.

2003 “A Use of Irony in Contemporary Ethnographic Narrative.在斯塔福德,菲利普., ed. Gray Areas: Ethnographic Encounters with Nursing 首页 Culture. 美国研究学院出版社.

2001 “Seeing the Unseen: Literary Interpretations in Qualitative Gerontology.见罗尔斯、格雷厄姆和南希·勋伯格编. 定性老年学(第二版.). 纽约:斯普林格出版社.

2001 “Aging in the United States: Cultural Diversity as a 生活 Course Concern.见苏塞尔、艾达和托马斯·帕特森主编. America Reconsidered: Anthropological Perspectives on Diversity. American Anthropological Association and Blackwell Press.

1999 “Expanding a Cross-Cultural Perspective on Aging through Fiction, 戏剧和视觉艺术”, Dena和Jay Sokolovsky, eds. Teaching 关于 Aging: International and Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Monograph, Association for 人类学 and Gerontology.

1998 (1985) City of Green Benches: Growing Old in a New Downtown. with new afterword by the author Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
1997 “Without Parents: Multigenerational Strategies for the Survival of Community” in Jay Sokolovsky, ed. The Cultural Context of Aging Worldwide Perspectives, 2nd edition. 纽约:格林伍德.

1995 The Culture of Long Term Care: Nursing 首页 Ethnography. 亨德森J. 尼尔和玛丽亚·D. Vesperi, eds. 纽约:格林伍德.